Clayton Max Infatuation Scripts Review

infatuation scripts review

Clayton Max’s Infatuation Scripts program is particularly designed to activate the Infatuation Instinct in any man you talk to.This ensures he constantly thinks about you,forgets about all other women, and focus all his romantic and sexual desires towards you, stirring such powerful emotions within him that he feels he can’t live without you.

If you want the ability to make a man ‘lock in‘ on you, making you the only woman he imagines being with—even if he’s been a commitment-phobe, has never been in a serious committed relationship earlier, or is currently stuck on another woman—then Infatuation Scripts is perfect for you.


nfatuation Scripts program exacltly reveals why men push away their ‘perfect girl’ and provides exact scripts which make him absolutely certain that you’re the one for him.

infatuation scripts review

Who is the Author ?

Clayton Max and Emma are the authors of the ‘Infatuation Scripts’. Emma is a freelance journalist while Clayton Max had a background in applied psychology… And had been a professional dating and relationship coach for over 11 years, With over-a-decade of experience helping men and women with their love lives.

Emma and Clayton teamed up to create an absolutely unique program to help women get the attention they deserve from the man they desire the most by using certain phrases and scripts.

Inside Infatuation Scripts Program you will Learn:

Here is a list of scripts that can be used to create infatuation in a man:

  • Independence Scripts: These scripts signal to a man that you won’t be easily won over, which can awaken his desire to pursue you.
  • Intrigue Scripts: These scripts not only capture a man’s attention but also pique his curiosity about you, making it impossible for him to stop thinking about you, even if he tries.
  • Cliffhanger Scripts: These scripts leave a man feeling unsatisfied at the end of a conversation, making him feel like he just has to see you again.
  • Barrier Scripts: Barrier Scripts are designed to help women avoid playing games by pretending to not be interested in a man just to make him want her. These scripts allow women to express their desire for the man while still maintaining control of the relationship by setting up a barrier to completely giving themselves to him. This creates a sense of romantic tension in the man, as he knows that the woman is interested in him, but he can’t fully possess her, making him feel like they are both part of a romantic love story.
  • Curveball Scripts: These scripts make you seem mysterious and unpredictable, increasing a man’s curiosity about you.
  • Shaping Scripts: These scripts train a man to put in more effort to win you over, increasing his investment in you and creating infatuation.
  • Temptation Scripts: These scripts are designed to entice a man into pursuing you, and create a series of challenges for him to overcome, intensifying his desire for you to an irresistible level.
  • Urgency Scripts: These scripts refer to communication techniques that create a sense of urgency in a man, making him feel like he needs to take action quickly before he loses the opportunity to be with you. These scripts aim to instill a desperate need in him to commit to you immediately
  • “Interested but not sold” Scripts: These scripts let a man know that he still has a chance to be with you but he needs to work for it, creating infatuation by challenging him in a way that is unusual for most men.
  • And much much more….

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Infatuation Scripts program is Divided into following 4 Chapters:

Infatuation scripts program is divided into 4 different chapters. Each chapter covers a different topic consisiting of (Triggers, Keys and Hooks) and gives you exact scripts that you can use to on your man to make him absolutely sure that you’re the one for him.

  • Chapter #1: This chapter provides introduction to the program and covers what is infatuation, what triggers it and how to use infatuation scripts program for maximum benefits.
  • Chapter #2: Inside this chapter you will learn what is uncertainty, and why it is important. You will find out 3 different types of uncertainty triggers like (Independence, Qualification and Barrier) followed by exact scripts that you can use on your man to make him yours.
  • Chapter #3: This chapter teaches you what is investment and teaches 3 different triggers(Setting his expectations, Reciprocity and Shaping) and provides exact scripts to implement them to make him yours.
  • Chapter #4: This chapter teaches you why is Curiosity important, followed by Mindset i.e. How to kill and arouse his curiosity. It then provides 3 Curiosity Hooks (Contrasting Qualities, Intrigue Loops and Teasers) and exact scripts to implement them.

When you will Download Infatuation Scripts Guide, You will also Get the following and additional 3 FREE Bonuses :

  •  Chapter Recap Videos – As you finish each chapter of the Infatuation Scripts book,you can come here and watch the corresponding chapter recap video.These videos feature Infatuation Scripts founder Clayton Max.
  • Ultimate Attraction Transformation Series (FREE Trial) – Optional
  • Lifetime Access on All Your Devices.
  • Free Lifetime Future Updates
  • FREE Bonus #1: The Commitment Calculator – Inside this ebook, You’ll discover the reasons why 99% of men WANT a committed relationship as well as the “myth of commitment-phobia.” even if it seems like they’re trying to avoid one.
  • FREE Bonus #2: Make Any Man Yours For Life – Inside this pdf, the Author Amy North sums up her almost ten years of expertise helping women in building happy as well as loving relationships with the men of their dreams…
  • FREE Bonus #3: Why Men Shut Women Out – By Slade Shaw – The relationship coach and best-selling author invited some women to come up with up the most intense, challenging questions they could think of and sent them to more than 700 males through an anonymous survey. He then summarized their responses into this fascinating and insightful mini-book, which shows EXACTLY why men exclude women.
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Money Back Guarantee:

Infatuation Scripts program offers a 60-day, no-questions-asked, 100% money back guarantee for your order. If you are not completely satisfied with the program, you can contact via email within 60 days to request a full refund. So you can order infatuation scripts now and try it risk free with confidence.

Additionally, there is a 24/7 email support service available for any inquiries you may have regarding Infatuation Scripts.

Infatuation Scripts Testimonials:

Since going through the program,I’m now the woman all my friends ask “Why is EVERY GUY in love with you?!’ Definitely a nice change from being the girl who always scared men away”

— Tanis, 35

“After Infatuation Scripts, I’ve been so much more in more in control with men. Now They’re the ones asking ME ‘So what are we?’ or ‘Where is this going?’ Getting your program was the best decision I’ve ever made. Thanks Clayton and Emma !!!

— Ashley, 30

For more such testimonials and to know more about infatuation scripts program you can visit website.

This ends our detailed infatuation scripts review.we hope that this infatuation scripts review has helped you in making the right decision regarding does infatuation scripts work ,what this product is all about,benefits it offers, and what you will exactly receive when you will download the infatuation scripts pdf ebook. For any further questions you can contact us here

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